A good rule to live by is that if you can't see yourself on this diet in one, two or three years, then it's not right for you.

Balancing a Modern Diet

The food you eat has big effects on your health and quality of life. Although eating healthy can be fairly simple, the rise in popular "diets" and dieting trends has caused confusion. In fact, these trends often distract general people from the basic nutrition principles that are most important. Here is a detailed beginner's guide to healthy eating, based on the latest in nutrition science. 

Why should you eat healthy?

Research continues to link serious diseases to a poor diet. For example, eating healthy can drastically reduce your chances of developing heart disease and cancer, the world's leading killers. A good diet can improve all aspects of life, from brain function to physical performance. In fact, food affects all your cells and organs. Healthy diets help you perform better especially if you exercise or play sports.

Calories explained

While calorie counting isn't always necessary, total calorie intake still plays a key role in weight control and health. If you put in more calories than you burn, you will store them as new muscle or body fat. If you consume fewer calories than you burn every day, you will lose weight. If you want to lose weight, you must create some form of calorie deficit. In contrast, if you are trying to gain weight and increase muscle mass, then you need to eat more than your body burns.

Eating whole foods is important

You should aim to consume whole foods most of the time. The term "whole foods" generally describes natural, unprocessed foods containing only one ingredient. If the product looks like it was made in a factory, then it's probably not a whole food. Whole foods tend to be nutrient-dense and have a lower energy density. This means that they have fewer calories and more nutrients per serving than processed foods. In contrast, many processed foods have little nutritional value and are often referred to as "empty" calories. Eating them in large amounts is linked to obesity and other diseases.

Foods to eat

Try to base your diet around these healthy food groups:
Vegetables: These should play a fundamental role in most meals. They are low in calories and full of important micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and fiber.
Fruits: A natural sweet treat, fruit provides micronutrients and antioxidants that can help improve health.
Meat and fish: Meat and fish have been the major sources of protein throughout evolution. They are a staple in the human diet.
Eggs: Considered one of the healthiest foods on the planet, whole eggs pack a powerful combination of protein, beneficial fats and micronutrients.
Dairy: Dairy products such as yogurt and milk are convenient, low-cost sources of protein and calcium.
Beans and legumes: These are fantastic sources of fiber and protein, especially for vegetarians. 

Foods to avoid most of the time

No food needs to be eliminated forever, but some foods should be limited or saved for special occasions.
These include:
Sugar-based products: Foods high in sugar, especially sugary drinks, are linked to obesity and type-2 diabetes.
Trans fats: Also known as partially hydrogenated fats, trans fats have been linked to serious diseases, such as heart disease.
Refined carbs: Foods that are high in refined carbs, such as white bread, are linked to overeating, obesity and metabolic disease.
Vegetable oils: While many people believe these are healthy, vegetable oils can disrupt your body's omega 6-to-3 balance, which may cause problems.
Processed low-fat products: Often disguised as healthy alternatives, low-fat products usually contain a lot of sugar to make them taste better.

Make healthy eating sustainable

Here's a great rule to live by: If you can't see yourself on this diet in one, two or three years, then it's not right for you. Far too often people go on extreme diets they can't maintain, which means they never actually develop long-term, healthy eating habits. There are some frightening weight gain statistics showing that most people regain all the weight they lost soon after attempting a weight loss diet. As always, balance is the key. Unless you have a specific disease or dietary requirement, no food needs to be off limits forever. By totally eliminating certain foods, you may actually increase craving and decrease long-term success. Basing 90% of your diet on whole foods and eating smaller portions will allow you to enjoy treats occasionally yet still achieve good health.

Combine good nutrition with other healthy habits

Nutrition isn't the only thing that matters for optimal health. Following a healthy diet and exercising can give you an even bigger health boost. It is also crucial to get good sleep. Research shows that sleep is just as important as nutrition for disease risk and weight control. Hydration and water intake are also important. Drink when you're thirsty and stay well hydrated all day. Finally, try to minimize stress. Long-term stress is linked to many health problems.