
The Future of Banking: Nabil Bank's Innovative Mobile App
by Gaurab Maskay | May 01, 2024In an era where convenience reigns supreme, Nabil Bank, Nepa...

Starting a Digital Product Business In Less than 60 Days at Home
by Priyanjali Karn, | Sep 28, 2022Social media has become one of the easiest and most accessib...

Best Businesses to Invest in Nepal
by Shambhavi Singh | Apr 01, 2021Market indicators, socio-economic factors, technological adv...

Antibiotic Stewardship
by Sushil Thapa | Jan 01, 2021We are still in the fight against the virus SARS_C...

Stock Investment Post COVID19
by Sabin Bikram Panta | Nov 01, 2020Background The stock market just like everythi...

Mobile Banking: Taking over the banking world
by Esparsh Sarawagi | Nov 01, 2020Would you bank somewhere that didn’t have a...
Personal Financial Planning During Pandemic
by Sabin Bikram Panta | Oct 01, 2020The spread of COVID-19 has changed our lifestyle and affecti...

One to One Thousand
by Kumudini Pant | Mar 01, 2020When it comes to savings, you can’t ever really have enough....

Personal Finance Tracking A Mobile Way
by Shreyashka Vikram Raj Maharjan | Mar 01, 2020Tracking your finance is the gateway to knowing what went wh...

The Hospitality Sector in Nepal: How Can You Land a Good Job?
by Dibesh Manandhar, Picture Courtesy: Fairfield By Marriott, Thamel, Kathmandu | Feb 24, 2020The hospitality industry is growing fast in Nepal and needs...

Debentures and What You Need to Know about It?
by Sheran Lama | Feb 24, 2020The monetary policy for 2019/20 includes mandatory issuance...

Fixed Deposits: What it is and How it Works?
by Sheran Lama | Feb 24, 2020The world of finances has numerous investment options and it...

Building a Financial Portfolio
by Sampanna Shrestha | Feb 23, 2020A financial portfolio is a collection of financial assets an...

Registering for a Personal Permanent Account Number (PPAN)
by Sampanna Shrestha | Feb 23, 2020A PAN card is an identification document issued to an indivi...
Retirement Planning
by Sabin Bikram Panta | Feb 01, 2020You can be better prepared to handle the period after you ha...

Five Mistakes to Avoid While Taking Loans
by Lasana Singh Maharjan | Feb 01, 2020No matter how affluent one may be, the need to borrow money...

Monetary Policy 2019/20 and its Reach
by Shreyashka Vikram Raj Maharjan In Conversation With Bishesh Bajracharya, Text By Sheran Lama | Nov 18, 2019The central bank of Nepal introduced a new monetary policy f...

Factoring Electrical Costs
by Shreyashka Vikram Raj Maharjan | Nov 18, 2019Ever since man discovered and perfected means of generating...

The Cost of a Foreign Degree? Worth It
by Shreyashka Vikram Raj Maharjan, in Conversation with Mr.Dwiraj Sharma at Alfa Beta Group- Int’l Education Dept | Sep 09, 2019B.B King famously said, “ Education is the one thing that no...

Managing Inflated Dashain
by Chartered Accountant. Hari Kumar Silwal | Sep 09, 2019Many countries have their own unique festival(s). Festivals...