Rainwater harvesting is a smart and effective way to deal with water shortage in a water deficient city like ours.

People of Kathmandu are constantly facing shortage of water in most parts of the city.  Several other hilly and mountainous regions of the country are also plagued by water problems. Whether it is limited to supply or to accessibility, the shortage of water prevails as one of the challenging problems across the land. Even though water tankers rule the early and late hours of the city, they are not easily available or financially viable option for all. In such cases, where making ends meet itself is a continuous battle, water usage efficiency and smart alternatives can prove pivotal. Rainwater harvesting as you will read below is one of the best, popular, and self sustaining practices as we greet the monsoon showers very soon.

Even though the process of rainwater harvesting doesn’t require a great deal of knowledge, the whole process can be made scientific and carefully managed to yield better results. The number of rainwater harvesting systems currently installed in the city is increasing. The basic rain harvesting system starts with a catchment roof leading up to gutters which deliver the accumulated rainwater within them to storage tanks through delivery pipes. However, there are more advanced filtration techniques such as using cisterns and rapid sand filters that can be added to the system. Rain water can be made potable through higher levels of filtration. Generally, rainwater is not considered fit for drinking, but can be used for irrigation, cleaning, and washing. But considering the incessant shortage of water supply, installing full rainwater harvesting filtration system is one the best ways to be self sufficient. In order to make rainwater fit for drinking, companies like Smart Paani have come up with dedicated products, solutions and excellent consultation services.

Smart Paani, in Lalitpur is a company that setups rainwater harvesting systems. Its team of expert technicians carefully inspects installation area and offer economical solutions that are also self-sufficient and eco-friendly. By ensuring that you get the most out of the rainwater, it optimizes water usage in your household. Beyond the realm of rainwater, Smart Paani also offers practical solutions for water recycling, grey water harvesting, filtration techniques, along with inspection and consultation to improve your water usage. Interested individuals can find out more Smart Pani through the following contact details:

Website: http://smartpaani.com/

Email: info@smartpaani.com

Phone:  5261530, 5260506


  • Economical: Installing a rainwater harvesting system isn’t an expensive project. Besides, the water collection helps out in containing the overall water usage.
  • Environmental: Comparing to digging wells rampantly to tap the underground water, setting up reservoirs and tanks for rainwater collection is much better for the surrounding.


  • Despite a decent rainfall average during the monsoons in almost all parts of the nation, the dry seasons render the system largely useless contributing to the reluctance of the general public.
  • Without proper filtration techniques, the water has limited use to us.

Kathmandu has an average annual rainfall of 1600 mm, on a roof area of just a 100 sq metres (10m x 10m area), that's 160,000 litres of water harvest annually. If those numbers aren’t enough to convince you, we aren’t sure what is. So hurry up and make your homes rain-ready. It’s almost time for the harvest.