Dragon Breath
What is a Dragon Breath Cheese Ball?
Dragon Breath or Smoky Cheese balls or Nitro Balls are one and the same with just different names. These are cheeseballs dipped in liquid nitrogen to make them cold, creates a smoke, making the consumer’s breath smoke like a dragon, hence the name Dragon Breath.
Why go with a liquid nitrogen? Why not something safer?
Since it’s a new thing, there is a misconception that liquid nitrogen is dangerous. The air we breathe has 70% Nitrogen. Nitrogen is non-toxic and safe, it’s just that it’s extremely cold. If you take proper care while having extremely cold things the way you do when having extremely hot things, it’s totally safe. We do not serve liquid nitrogen, we just use liquid nitrogen to freeze stuff. And by the time our product lands on the customer's hand not a single drop of liquid nitrogen is present, it would have already evaporated in the air during the process. Hence we can assure that it’s not at all harmful.
What are the cheese balls like without the liquid nitrogen though? Are they store bought or are they any different?
They are the same cheese balls we get in the market. Dragon Breath isn’t limited to cheeseballs; you can have popcorn or marshmallow dipped in liquid nitrogen to have the same effect. There’s nothing different from the ones you get in the market.
When did this idea start? What was the inspiration for it?
The idea started from a vacation in the US where I saw people lined up for a magical ice-cream that was being made between the clouds. It grabbed my attention and then I started the process to bring it to Nepal. That’s how it started. It is a low calorie ice-cream with a show, and everybody loves a great show with great content.
Are there any side effects to consuming liquid nitrogen? What’s the safest way to consume it?
Liquid Nitrogen when consumed in a liquid state is dangerous because of its extremely cold temperature, but when you consume the product which just uses liquid nitrogen to flash freeze it, its 100% safe. The issue was just with Dragon Breath because in few places people without knowledge started giving cheeseballs with liquid still present in the glass which was considered dangerous. It’s not the case with us as we train our staff to handle the liquid carefully and make sure we brief our customers on how to have things of extremely cold temperature. We have put out a written description in front of all our stores explaining how to have Dragon Breath. We have mentioned cautionary measures like: Don’t use bare hands, use skewers; and do not place them in the tongue for a long period of time etc. So we prioritize customer safety have, product guidelines and also explain them in person at all our outlets to ensure safe, enjoyable experience at -321 Ice Cream Live.