There are things we like to keep to ourselves. Some incidents, pains, struggles, and bad days, we tend to not share with anyone. A little too big matters keep mounting up to get so heavy that shatter us destructively. Dr Pradeep Pandey who has been workin

  1. In the medical term, what exactly is stress?
  •  Simply put, when you cannot deal with the external factors of life, especially due to a lack of economic, social, and educational resources, the brain tends to take that challenge as stress. This might be pinpointed as something that triggers emotional, behavioural, and cognitive changes.
  1. Stress to be affecting the cognitive level is evident, but are there any physical effects?
  • Of course! There are many of them. 
  1. Headache.
  2. Heart palpitation.
  3. Stiff neck. 
  4. Tremulous pressure.
  5. Body ache.
  6. Psycho-gastro intestinal problems.
  7. Diarrhoea
  8. Fainting, etc.
  1. How does one know the stress is getting severe and must visit a psychiatrist?
  • The first thing to notice is the persistence of the symptoms of stress. If these symptoms are occurring back and forth, then it is normal. However, if the continuity of stress is hampering your day-to-day life, aloof to your interests, you feel exhausted and inconsistent. If stress is causing you to isolate yourself from daily activities, then you should know that it is time to visit a psychiatrist. 
  1. If we are to look at the symptoms, we tend to find, anxiety, stress, and depression appear similar at least surficial. What is the thin line to differentiate between them?
  • Stress is a normal phenomenon rather than an illness. 

For example, you get a low grade which caused you to be stressed and could not sleep at night. However, after a few days, you get back to your normal routine. This is stress.

Whereas, depression and anxiety are illnesses. There is no thin line. If at all, they are vastly different from one another. 

You might feel like you have gotten a headache, body ache, sleeping problems, gastric, or negative thinking. But that does not necessarily mean that you have a mental illness (If it is for only some time). The event-based mental disturbances that last only for a few days or a few hours refer to stress which is a normal phenomenon. 

For depression, there are major three symptoms: loss of interest, fatigability, and depressed mood. Along with other minor symptoms like disturbed sleep, disturbed appetite, overthinking, and others. 

For anxiety, you will be anxious, sweaty, raced heartbeat, panic, difficulty in breathing, and many more. Again, if these symptoms are caused by some event and you get normal after some time, it is normal. However, if the appearance of symptoms has no reason and you are getting these frequently, then it is a severe illness. You are fearful for no reason. 

Considering the overall aspect, we diagnose a person based on the problem. 

  1. Even if one knows that it is time to go for medical treatment, a fear of what comes with the first encounter with a psychiatrist somewhere holds them back. so, what do you think one should expect on the first visit?
  • (smiles) Most of the time, what a psychiatrist does is ask about their symptoms. We identify the problem and go for the diagnosis. Based on symptoms, we suggest whether you should go on medication or not. If we find out that it is not severe, we suggest they take rest, counselling, exercise, and meditate. If it is necessary, we might want to know the triggering factors. However, one does not have to worry about sharing all their problems if he/she is not comfortable. It is not compulsory on the first visit. 

If one is going to psychotherapy, sharing personal problems is a must unlike with the psychiatrist. 

  1. What can be the ways to manage stress at home?
  • The first thing is to identify the cause of stress. People are suffering from depression, having suicidal thoughts, and do not even know the cause of the problem. Emotional intelligence plays a big role. We never ask ourselves, how are we feeling? Therefore, you need to know the cause and frequently check on your mood and yourself. 

Secondly, after you identify your feeling and the cause, you need to share them. Find someone with whom you feel safe and express what you feel. Ask your loved ones and create an atmosphere where you can share emotions. 

Thirdly, simple movements, regular exercise, yoga, meditations, fun time with friends, swimming, music, trekking, sitting in the first ray of sun, bath, walking in the grass (barefoot), all these natural elements can be very helpful. Rather than detaching ourselves from nature, we must reconnect with it. 

  1. What happens when one misses a dose after starting medication? 
  • Nothing much! Having said that, the medication timetable has to be followed religiously. Chances are you experience one or two more symptoms, but getting back on track will make it normal. 
  1. Many stressed people are there who don’t realize that they are stressed. What do you have to say about it?
  • I would say, they are not conscious of themselves. They are just carelessly living or they have very poor emotional intelligence. Normally, men have a poor EI than women. One has to care about their day-to-day life and feeling with no excuses.