They say morning shows the day. If the morning is good certainly the day will be better. But what is it actually that makes everyday a good one? The thing that makes you complete yet light? It is not exactlyadding something on you rather it’s something th

complete. Ironical isn’t it? What is it? Let’s talk about it.

Bowel health of an individual is an important concern. Changes in bowel movement could cause or can be a sign of health problem. Majority of the people have a wrong conception.People wrongly believe that having regular bowel movements means you move your bowels every day. However, everyone’s bowels are unique to them, and what’s normal for one person may not be normal for another. It is a very subjective matter.

Digestion begins in your mouth while you eat food and then reach the stomach and ends in your bowels — the lower parts of your digestive tract. When the food you eat reaches your bowels, the water and salts that remain are absorbed. The digested food that is left becomes more solid and exits as bowel movements.

According to Dr. Pratik Rajkarnikar from International Friendship Children Hospital, “for a normal healthy adult 2-3 times of defecation is said to be normal. No defecation for 24 -36hrcan be consider normal whereas passing of loose watery , small amount of stool 3-4times still can be consider as normal until and unless there is no other associated symptoms. As per neonate passing of small amount of loose stool 8-10 times can be consider normal, unless there is no other associated symptoms. Altered bowel habit for at least 2 weeks require prompt medical assistance.”

There are times when stools are too loose, you can have diarrhea. When they are too hard and dry, you can be constipated.

Here’s what you can do to promote regular bowel movements:

  • Eat more fiber: “Constipation is almost always due to inadequate fiber and liquid. Fiber can be found in beans, fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Strive for 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day. Unprocessed bran is the best type of fiber.
  • Eat fewer low-fiber foods: These include ice cream, cheese, meat, processed foods, and sugary foods such as soda and candy — which can all cause constipation. 
  • Drink more: Besides water, good choices are 100-percent fruit juices (juice with pulp has some fiber), soup, and tea.
  • Reduce stress: Stress can sometimes cause the large intestine to spasm, leading to pain and hard stools. Stress-reducing techniques that can improve constipation symptoms include yoga, meditation, and exercise.
  • Don’t ignore the urge to go: Resisting the urge to go or waiting to go to the bathroom also can cause constipation — or make existing symptoms worse.