This one is all about that tummy. Stop the jiggle.

A harmless snack here, a hearty meal there, and before you know it you have an ever bulging abs. You feel like you are carrying a globe around. Yes we are addressing that jelly in your belly. It is not that simple but you can follow a few tricks to keep that jelly at bay. And we don’t mean it on the short term basis these tricks will help you keep them belly fat away for good.

What to eat?

The first thing as you must already have guessed is maintaining your diet. Opting for crash course diets that promise results in a short span of time are strongly discouraged. They have an adverse effect on your health and metabolism. Rather than these courses, focus on increasing your fiber and protein intake. Add a dash of           in-season fruits to your diet and never let your day fall flat.

When to eat?

Simply following the diet aimlessly isn’t going to work. You also need to master the when of your diet. And it is easier to master the when compared to the what. You simply need to break the 3 big meals a day into 5 to 6 small meals a day.  Maintain a gap of 2-3 hours between meals and you are set. You might worry about remembering to time your meals in the hustle bustle of your daily life. We have you covered there too. You only need to set an alarm to make that a habit.

How to reduce?

To reduce your tummies you need to keep moving. Take in cardio as much as your body can take. Remember to do yoga and core related exercises like plank, toe touches and crunches to help tone up your jelly belly. Get your running shoes and enjoy a short but brisk morning walk rather than a long mellow walk.

Another culprit you want to keep in check is your habit of lounging around right after a meal. Take a stroll right after a meal. The stroll should be in your normal pace as opposed to a run or jumping around, advises our nutritionist Alisha Karmacharya.

Oil control

You do not need to completely give up on oil just keep your belly on a tight leash. A very big no-no regarding the oils is mixing two types of oil in a single dish. Use only one type of oil for a single dish. Different types of oil in different dishes is fine but that doesn’t mean you go on an oily food eating spree. Different types of oil have different nourishment values so keep your oils to the minimum, but do not rid your diet of oils completely just yet. 

Sleep o’clock and stress busters

Fluctuating sleep pattern leads to a fluctuating meal pattern, and you need to stabilize your meal time. Lack of sleep mostly leads to increase in hormones which results in eating more than what your body requires. It is the same with stress. So keep your stress busters close at all times.

Track your liquid consumption

Drinking minimum of 2 liters of water a day and a maximum of 2 cups of green tea a day is common knowledge. Time your green teas right after your most generous meals of the day as they increase your metabolism. Go for lemon tea, lemonade and the rest instead of sugar laden soft drinks.

Another liquid we need to address here is alcoholic beverages. They also contribute to your belly fat. They have carbs of their own, and we generally tend to go for fried or junk food along with them. So keeping alcohol consumption to the minimum also keeps your tummies in check.