Who doesn’t love a bright white smile?

From the way our teeth looks to the way we dress, we all want everything to be perfect.  Bright white smile is essential.  We often mistaken yellow teeth as something wrong and probably visit the dentist to have it checked.  To clear this misunderstanding we asked Dr. Dipak Thapa of Kathmandu Dental Clinic on the relationship between the color of your teeth and its health.  According to Dr. Thapa, “it’s all in our head.  What we need to understand is that not all types of yellow teeth need treatment.”

Well yeah, no one likes yellow teeth.  Just because they are yellow doesn’t mean they are not healthy.  Some people have genetically yellow teeth but have perfectly healthy set of teeth.  So it is not necessary to bleach your teeth white time and again. Bleaching teeth white is similar to applying makeup to your face and you will need to touch it up time and again.

You will need to make an appointment to the dentists at least once a year to get rid of the plaque accumulated in your teeth.  Plaque in retrospect is scarier than yellow teeth. So, go for check up with your dentist for your scaling appointments.

However, not all yellow teeth are good too. Having said that some people have genetically yellow teeth but some may have bad oral hygiene or other oral diseases.  If your teeth were originally white and now have changed their color to yellow that would mean trouble. Then, you would definitely need to make a frequent trip to the dentists.  Dr. Thapa also emphasizes on the importance of brushing your teeth twice a day and regular flossing.