Art is a beautiful thing that allows us to express our creative side. We see it everywhere from museums to our own homes. We often don’t see the other side of the coin, we don’t see the process of art and the journey artists go through.

Niraj Chitrakar is an artist and an art teacher. For him, when choosing an idea he starts with a concept or type of art. Ideas can come from current events happening in the world. The actual start of the process is when you are ready to put your plan into action, at that point you will have a ready complex and several references. He takes his reference photo and the concept he had in his head to sketch a rough draft out. Even if you get everything you can ready, the art process can bring many challenges. Many problems with artist blocks, inner satisfaction, and unfinished concepts can come into play. He aspires to play with different topics, conduct art-related studies and concepts, and also have a solo exhibition one day. He loves it when all the elements come together towards the end to create a final product that can tell a story. 


Another Artist is @Mrigajab on Instagram. Her concepts and artwork are based on her opinions on society, culture, people, and the world around her. She starts by sketching a rough idea out and looking for references. She can get inspiration from other artists, especially the ones she admires. Problems like having artist block and imposter syndrome, or artwork coming out different from unexpected are problems that you can face. For her, she’s going with the flow and seeing where life takes her. She mainly just enjoys drawing and exploring different materials and mediums. 


The two artists are both unique and different but what I noticed was that they have a similar way of going through the art process. Along with many other artists, the world around them influences the type of art they make. They both also find references when needed. I found it interesting that they have pretty similar challenges too. They both have faced problems with inner satishfrication and artist block. Although they have different goals and art styles, the way they handle the art process is pretty similar. We can draw connections between the two artists.

The process of making art is where the magic really happens. It's when a blank piece of paper turns into a unique and beautiful piece of work. That process requires a lot of hard work and enthusiasm. Artists are people that can make a blank canvas into a beautiful and meaningful piece. The way artwork changes; either the style or its quality; and the way they grow as artists over the years is the artistic journey. The way Niraj Chitralar is aiming for a solo exhibition or the way @Mrigajab wants to try using new mediums and materials is all a part of their Artistic journey. A part of the artistic journey is also learning by exploring different things. As you try a variety of new projects, mediums, and materials, you can learn many new techniques or even just skills related to patience or work ethic. The progress made by doing all the learning, achieving, and setting goals is what the artistic journey is about. In my opinion, the passion one has for art is what’s going to keep one going when things get art. It doesn’t have to be love, just the enjoyment and happiness one gets when making art can be enough to give motivation when things get rough. 

The process of creating art and the artistic journey is not entitled to professionals only. Everyone can have an artistic journey of their own. Everyone has the ability to learn and grow as an artist if you put your heart into it. I can guarantee that each and every one of you has made a piece of art before. Art comes in a variety of mediums so if you don’t draw that doesn’t mean that you aren’t an artist. Art is pretty common in day-to-day life, pottery, sculptures, architectures are all forms of art.  Sometimes all you need is an idea and you can make your very own piece of art. Yes, there will be challenges you face along the way but all you have to do is push through and you might have a beautiful masterpiece in your hands. If you haven’t already, get a piece of paper, find references, search for an idea, experiment with different techniques or materials, face challenges, learn new things and go through your very own artistic journey.