There are so many interesting facts about the world. Some might be interesting but some might sound weird too but there is something new to learn every day.


  1. I was today years old when I knew bananas are berries but strawberries aren’t berries.

Well, Banana doesn’t have berries in its name. That is most probably why it isn't thought of as a berry. And equally surprising is that fruits that are picked from a plant, like Strawberries and Blueberries aren’t berries.


  1. At the closest point, the distance between Russia and the USA is under 4 km.

It can’t just be me that thinks Russia and the US are too far from each other. Well, we must keep in mind that the world is a sphere and not a square and there are different points of connection to different countries. I guess they are perfect enough to say, so close yet so far.


  1. Did You know Turkey rebranded its name as Turkiye?

This is more of a knowledgeable fact that Turkey has officially changed its name to Turkiye as the term represents and expresses the culture, civilization and value of the nation in the best way possible. 


  1. Did you know Rana Bahadur Shah is known as the Mad King of Nepal?

He fell in love with a widow and married her. However, she got severely ill and he donated and worshipped a lot of deities. After nothing worked to cure her, she died and he asked for every donation back and also demanded a destruction of the temples worshipped.


  1. If you want to see the best rainbows, you need to visit hawaii. It is the best place to watch rainbows.

People love the sky and the elements that appear there. The stars, moon, clouds, rainbows and what not. But if you have love for rainbows, you can plan a vacation to Hawaii and be lucky enough to watch the most beautiful rainbow view.


  1. Did you know North Korea and Cuba are the only places that you can’t buy Coca-Cola?

A sip of Coca-Cola is something that you can enjoy anywhere and everywhere but in Cuba and North Korea, you can’t find Coca-Cola. These countries are under long term U.S. trade embargoes.