Fun Facts About Insects
Our ecosystem stretches out thin to include millions and trillions of species. Insects are one of them and it is quite interesting that small insects can contribute so much. Today, let’s know a few interesting fun facts about them.
- Insects can live without constant breathing:
You heard it right! Insects breathe through neither their mouth nor nostrils. They have tiny holes in their body called spiracles. Most of them can open and close the spiracles. They can trap the oxygen in them and recycle it when needed. Hence, they don’t need constant breathing. How long insects can survive without fresh oxygen depends upon the kind of species and their life span.
- Some insects can walk on the water surface level:
Insects like water striders, mosquitoes, and fishing spiders can walk on the surface of the water. They use the high surface tension of the water and their long, hydrophobic legs help them stay on the water surface. Amazing!
- Spiders are not insects:
Let’s keep it simple. Most of us feel like spiders are insects. However, they are not. Insects have six legs and two eyes whereas spiders have eight legs and eight eyes. They do not have wings and antennae but insects do. Spiders are SPIDERS.
- Insects have a winter survival strategy:
Insects do not have body fat which is why they have to be very careful to keep from turning into ice. The combination of strategies like migration, indoor living, communal living, Torpor, Diapause, and Antifreeze is very helpful for them.
- They rule the world:
You can go to any place, any country or continent (except for Antarctica), and you will find some kinds of insects. They are very adaptable which has helped them survive several mass extinctions. They aerate the soil, pollinate blossoms, and control insect and plant pests and that way it is a great component of our ecosystem.