Red meat has been a staple in Nepal, especially at festivals like Dashain and Tihar. Despite it being a staple piece Nepalese have been skeptical of consuming red meat due to its surge of conflicting information regarding its health implications. Let’s se

Myth: Red Meat Causes Cancer
Fact: While some studies have linked processed red meat to an increased risk of colorectal cancer, the evidence for unprocessed red meat is less conclusive. It’s essential to consume red meat in moderation and focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Myth: Red meat causes weight gain
Fact: Weight gain results from consuming more calories than the body burns, regardless of the source. Red meat itself does not inherently cause weight gain. In fact, lean red meat can be part of a weight management plan due to its high protein content, which promotes satiety and helps maintain muscle mass during weight loss. The key is portion control and balancing red meat with other nutrient-dense foods like vegetables, whole grains, and legume.
Myth: All individuals should avoid red meat, especially older adults
Fact: Red meat can be particularly beneficial for older adults, as it provides high-quality protein necessary to prevent muscle loss (sarcopenia) and maintain strength. Additionally, the iron and vitamin B12 found in red meat is essential for cognitive function and preventing anemia, conditions that are more common in the elderly. However, as with all age groups, the focus should be on moderation, choosing lean cuts, and balancing red meat with other nutrient-rich foods
Myth: Red Meat is a Major Contributor to Heart Disease
Fact: While excessive red meat consumption can be a risk factor, other lifestyle factors like smoking, lack of exercise, and high blood pressure play a more significant role in heart disease. You can include green vegetables on your plate along with red meat to have healthy diet and to avoid and dietary consequences
Myth: Plant-Based Diets are Superior to Those Including Red Meat
Fact: Plant-based diet alone cannot provide all the nutrients found in red meat, such as heme iron, and other important proteins. Red meat provides nutrients that are crucial for muscle growth, immune function, and the production of red blood cells and the type of red meat consumed. The key lies in the incorporation of both a plant-based diet along red meat to ensure your body is getting ample nutrients.