To read is to learn. To learn is to grow! The process of gaining knowledge is an intricate art, we might surround ourselves with books, but without a good learning environment, books shall be mere decorations.

A reading corner is more than an aesthetic addition but space. But it's a zone where one can focus better and sharpen skills. We see these spaces in schools created for children to be able to learn better. But it should not be restricted to it and can be a great addition to a living or bedroom. 


"A reading corner for me is wherever I feel comfortable with me and my book. Whether it's at home or even a public place, it's somewhere I feel at peace with myself with reading," says Zenana Ojha, an avid reader and upcoming writer. Adding a reading corner to a space is not a challenging task. It doesn't require a huge investment or a complete overhaul of the area. It's incorporating resources you already have and creating an ambience that triggers your urge to read. 


So what truly is a reading corner? In terms of the aesthetic appeal, it should feature a place for you to rest comfortably. It can be a single couch, a chair, a bean bag or even a floor mat. Your seating position should be comfortable enough to support your back as you'll be reading for a significant amount of time. It can be more than a corner, more like a reading room, but it is not always possible. 


"My initial plan was to create a reading room, but I couldn't because of the limited space in my house. Thus, I decided to dedicate a corner of my room that features a basic floor mat, comfy cushions to rest my back, a laptable to place my snacks and ambient lighting. I already have plenty of bookshelves in my room, so I didn't need to invest in that. In terms of an actual investment, all I bought was the ambient bulb. Before creating this zone, I read in the living room or on the terrace, but the environment isn't under my control. With the addition of a reading space right in my room, I can read in total privacy, and the ambience is under my control." says Shreyashka Vk Raj Maharjan, a seasonal reader and editorial specialist. 


Reading rooms are a great addition to schools. We see them in kindergarten, but in grade schools, it's generally a library. Most of us who like to read do not prefer to do so in a cold and strict space. Thus, it's a good recommendation for grade schools that want to encourage the reading culture in their students. There cannot be a better starting point than a school for students to take up reading. Most teachers struggle to instill the culture in most students who have to drown themselves in academic books. Having an intuitive area where they can pick up any book and continue reading helps the teachers. They don't have to be forceful to children and given it's the one place they spend the most time in during their early years.  It slowly but steadily turns into a habit. 


Coordinating with parents to encourage the students to read at home is a must as well. Parents can invest in creating a reading space not just for their children but also for themselves. Readers like to read by themselves but not always. Having your parents read with you is a gift that keeps on giving. Why? It is so because you are participating in an activity your child is fond of, and given it’s a beautiful ambient zone, they can express themselves better. It allows you to bond with your child, and slowly but steadily they'll be able to foster a strong relationship with them. Having your parents as a reading companion not only makes them feel safe but also boosts their morale and reading habit. 


To sum it all up, reading corners aren't just a space for an individual to read but also to develop a good reading culture and foster better relations with their parents and teachers.