Today’s problem seems to be the unnecessary importance we give our material items. We tend to give too much meaning to our things, often forsaking our health, our relationships, our passions, our personal growth, and our desire to contribute beyond ourse

What is minimalism? Minimalism is a tool to rid yourself of life’s excess in favor of focusing on what’s important— discover purpose in our lives and grow as individuals so you can find happiness, fulfillment and freedom. By adopting a minimalist lifestyle you can throw out what you don’t need in order to focus on what you do need. What we fail to realize is how little we actually need to survive. Living a life of less stress is a direct result of not having to “have” it all. The stress of owning too many things is much to handle when the cleaning, maintenance, and storage – all of which takes up considerable time and space in your life. A minimal lifestyle allows you to live in a clean and healthy environment that gives only positive vibes.

Minimalist Home– why

Positive vibes: A minimal home is clean, visually pleasant and everything is well-arranged like a meditation hall which is often empty with minimal furniture, painted in neutral colors, especially white.

Less stressful: Clutter is a form of visual distraction, and everything in our vision pulls at our attention at least a little. The less clutter, the less visual stress we have. A minimalist home is calming.

More appealing: Think about photos of homes that are cluttered, and photos of minimalist homes. The ones with almost nothing in them other than some beautiful furniture, some nice artwork, and a very few pretty decorations, are the ones that appeal to most of us. You can make your home more appealing by making it more minimalist.

Easier to clean: It’s hard to clean, sweep, and vacuum when there are many items in a room.  The more stuff you have, the more time consuming and tiring it gets to keep it clean. It would be easier to clean sparsely decorated room than a room filled with many decorative items.

 How to Create a Minimalist Home

Consider what is essential to your home and to your happiness and wellbeing. Everyone will have different essentials, but here are a few simple ways to begin your minimalist journey:

Minimal Furniture: A minimalist room will only contain a few essential pieces of furniture.

Discover Spaces:  There are spaces at your home you fail to notice but exist where you can create spaces to hide away your belongings.  Places such as above the ceiling, behind the door etc. to create a clean surface and clutter less space.

Embrace Empty Space: Many people feel like every empty space requires a piece of furniture. However, empty space will highlight pieces of furniture you already own.

Minimal Decorations: A minimalist home will have fewer and simpler knick-knacks. For example, a vase with some fresh and beautiful flowers would be enough to make the room beautiful, or have a framed photo of your family, pets, friends, etc. Avoid having too many ‘decor items’ that don’t really serve any purpose.

Quality over Quantity: Purchase items you think that will add beauty to your room.  Rather than spending money on many unnecessary item, it would be wise to buy one piece but of high-quality. This one piece which could be a antique coffee table or crystal mirror could add class to your room.

Clear Walls: Hang only a few pieces of artwork throughout your home. Artworks define the walls by balancing and accessorizing the overall neutral decor.

Surfaces: Surface means floors, ceiling and walls. Use only light colors to reflect maximum light. If you choose tiles for floor, choose tiles with bigger squares to avoid dust gathered in its corners. Furthermore, your desk, kitchen counters, and dining tables are also surfaces. Ensure there is no visible mess on your surfaces. Assign a proper place for each item so as to feel clean and organized.

Neutral Colors: When painting your walls, any color can work as long as it’s subdued and natural (think earthy tones). When choosing wood floors, go for a lighter natural stain. For those who don’t want to spend too much time going over colors, white is the favorite amongst minimalists. Also, choose your sofas, rugs, kitchen appliances, coffee tables etc. in neutrals to coordinate well.

Illumination: If you are building a new home then make sure you’re utilizing maximum of natural light. If you’re upgrading your existing home, then you can use accent lightings, chandeliers, lamps in funky color popping shades and designs to play with your neutrals.

Minimalist homes have a very serene and calming effect on its owners. When people own less stuff in their homes, they can appreciate the things they have.  The money they save from not purchasing fruitless stuff can be invested in high-quality furniture or artwork.


  • Knick knacks and decorations collect dust and make it harder to clean your home.
  • Walls play a big part in your home decor. Opt for a few pieces of art on your walls over quirky items.
  • Having a tough time picking out a color? Go with white walls and a pine-flooring with a natural stain. This will give your home a neutral palette to play with.
  • Don’t forget color! Minimalism doesn’t mean everything is black and white. Don’t be scared of adding a pop of color here and there (think some interesting bathroom tiles, coffee mugs or a unique lamp). A minimalist home will highlight a piece of furniture or design that has some color. Just be cautious of not adding too many pops of color in your neutral color scheme.