The Power of Women’s Financial Literacy
Get ready to be inspired as we interviewed Namrata Shrestha, Kunjani Shrestha, Suprava Thapa, and Shreejana Shakya, who are all successful women in the finance industry from Aloft Kathmandu Thamel, to gain their outlook on the Women Empowerment.

Namrata Shrestha, an Executive of the Year awardee in 2022, currently works as a finance executive for Aloft.
When asked about the biggest barriers faced by women in finance to achieve success and how to overcome them? Ms. Namrata Shrestha responded that in her opinion, work-life balance is a major challenge for every woman in every sector, including finance. It's tough to juggle family, societal, and work responsibilities simultaneously. Additionally, gender bias poses a barrier. However, I'm fortunate to work for a company that's making progress in this area. Our senior leaders encourage and uplift women, and I've witnessed women demonstrating their capabilities and breaking barriers. To overcome these obstacles, family support is crucial as well as self-confidence. Companies should offer flexible work arrangements for mothers, have policies and training programs to promote and support women, and eliminate gender biases by giving women more power and recognition.
I'm optimistic about the future of women in finance and other fields. I believe that women's financial independence can make a significant difference, and I hope more companies will support and empower women to reach their full potential.
Kunjani Shrestha, a finance executive has been working on building Chaya Devi and continuing to aloft. When asked about the topic of how men and boys can contribute to creating a culture of consent and respect for women? She responded,
I strongly believe that gender does not determine one's ability to perform a task. Education and power balancing are essential to establish a more equitable society where authority is based on knowledge and competence, not gender. By showcasing women's abilities, we can bring about a positive change. However, in rural areas, women face additional challenges due to a lack of literacy and awareness of their basic rights. As a result, men are often prioritized for jobs, and women are considered unable to handle multiple responsibilities. Creating an environment for change is possible, as education and awareness are essential in remote areas. Women today are not just homemakers; they are empowered to look after their families as well as themselves.
Ms. Kunjani Shrestha emphasized that gender equality is essential, and every individual has the ability to perform tasks equally. She believes that change starts at home by involving women in decision-making, which can uplift them significantly. It's high time to establish a society that gives women equal opportunities, power, and recognition to achieve their full potential.
Suprava Thapa, the Purchase Supervisor at Aloft, is responsible for managing the requirements of the Aloft hotel. Her colleagues are proud that a position that was traditionally held by men is now being successfully managed by her.
We asked about the role of education and mentorship in empowering women, and how equal access to education can be ensured.
She expressed her belief that education is the basis of human growth, and is particularly important for women, as they play a key role in teaching and learning from their children. She added, "It saddens me to think how hard it would be for women in rural areas to be deprived of the right to education. We are fortunate to have the opportunity to explore ourselves and groom ourselves. "Suprava also shared her experience of being a female employee in the hospitality industry, saying, "When we as women say we work at hotels in Thamel, society raises eyebrows with doubts and question marks. In my personal life, I have always been doing all the tasks that were traditionally delegated to men. That's why I don’t feel the need to be empowered because I have always been doing all the work without caring about who is supposed to be doing it."
Overall, Suprava's story highlights the importance of breaking gender stereotypes and empowering women through education and equal opportunities.
Shreejana Shakya, is a finance assistant who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Studies. Despite her family responsibilities, Shreejana manages to balance her personal and professional life, diligently assisting the finance department in her office.
When asked about the impact of media and advertising on women's empowerment, and how positive representations of women can be promoted, she expressed, I believe that media has been essential from the beginning. However, it's important for the media to represent those who are actually causing an impact. Personally, I feel empowered when I see women working in every field and coming out to make a difference. It makes me feel like anything is possible if we try, and that motivates me a lot.
So, I think instead of focusing on the news that's hot and trending, media should be focusing on what's really happening in the world, and what women from rural and urban areas are going through, struggling with, and succeeding in. By doing this, we can promote positive representations of women and their achievements.