Dining etiquette is a blend of social graces and practical manners that enhances the dining experience, whether in a professional setting or a social gathering. Understanding and practicing these rules can make meals more enjoyable and leave a lasting pos

Dress for the Occasion

Your attire should reflect the importance of the Occasion dinner. Dress in a manner that shows respect for the occasion. Also, be prepared for varying temperatures by bringing a sweater or blazer.

Remember Utensil Placement

A simple trick to remember is the placement of utensils: 'left' has four letters, as does 'fork'; 'right' has five letters, matching 'knife' and 'spoon'. Food items are placed to the left of the plate, and drinks to the right.

Plate and Glass Placement

Remember 'BMW' – Bread plate on the left, Meal in the center, Water glass on the right. This mnemonic helps keep your place setting organized and correct.

Break Bread by Hand

Avoid using a knife to cut rolls. Instead, break off small pieces by hand and butter them individually as you eat. This approach is more refined and less messy.

Signal Rest and Finish Positions

To indicate you are resting, place your knife on top of the plate and the fork across the middle. When finished, position the fork and knife diagonally across the plate with the fork below the knife.

Napkin Etiquette

Place your napkin on your lap as soon as you sit down. Use it to blot your mouth, not to wipe it. If you need to leave the table temporarily, place your napkin on your chair. At the end of the meal, place it neatly to the left of your plate.

Managing the Bill

The host traditionally pays the bill. If you are the guest, offer to contribute, but respect the host’s decision if they insist on paying. Ensure that the tip reflects the quality of service, typically around 15-20% in many countries.

Departure Etiquette

Always thank your host before leaving. A follow-up thank-you note or message can also be a thoughtful gesture. Exit the restaurant calmly and quietly, without disrupting other diners