You would always want your children to be persistent and focused toward achieving their life goals. Studies show that children who frequently break rules or defy their parents often go on to become educational over achievers and high-earning adults. Of co

Dealing with stubborn children can be a challenge when it comes to doing everyday basic chores such as eating meals, taking baths, managing study times, or going to bed on time. Instilling the right set of behavior in your children requires tremendous efforts. Parents often encourage unwavering behavior in their children by inadvertently giving in to their tantrums. The best way to deal with stubborn children is by showing them that their bad behavior doesn’t work, and instead encouraging good behavior for the desired outcome.

Stubbornness can be defined as an act of showing dogged determination not to change one's behavior or attitude toward something. However, parents must realize that there's a fine line that divides the meaning of determination and stubbornness. Stubbornness in children can be hereditary or an acquired behavior. There is a possibility that you yourself may have inadvertently taught your children to be stubborn.

So, in order to discipline your wild children, here are a few tips that might be helpful:

  • A two-way communication between your child and yourself is very important. If your little girl is watching TV past her bedtime, instead of yelling at her, sit down, watch the show together, have a nice little chat, and then try convincing her to go to bed.
  • Giving children options is another way of preventing their stubborn tantrums.
  • Being an adult doesn't mean you're always right. You should learn to respect your child's opinion as well.
  • Children learn from their parents and elders, hence, as an adult, try to reinforce positive behaviors in your children by setting up a positively vibrant environment around them.