Knock Knock.

Knocking on a door is a common sign of courtesy and showing respect of someone’s privacy. Ever since we were young, we were taught to knock on the door, and not barge into a room without permission, to show respect for the person in the room or house.  All of us at some point in our lives have surely gotten an earful for not knocking before entering a private space.

But when it comes to parents it is often the other way around.  They just barge into the room, without even the slightest hint of the warnings. All their preaching just seems to vanish into nothingness.  Isn’t this behavior a bit hypocritical? It can be argued and said that parents are just asserting their authority and power and showing the kids that they are still under close parental watch.  But, it can be interpreted to mean that the parents have no respect for their child’s privacy.

Treat others the way you want to be treated; this can be said about knocking and the rationale behind it.  If you don’t want your children to walk in on you, don’t do it to them.  It’s as simple as that.  If you’re not following the basic guideline that you yourself have set, then how can you expect your children to follow them? You as parents are the most influential figures in their lives so do try to set a good example, especially on what appears to be minor details.  These are the ones that they pick up on the most.