Why do I Advocate using Cycle?
Climate change has affected us in so many ways. In conversation with Mr. Gyan Maharjan, an active world cyclist, we get to know more about how he has taken an initiative to make an impact on spreading awareness to people about the issue.

I am a world cyclist from Lalitpur, Nepal, working as a climate campaigner since 2013. It has already been 10 years, and I have visited 15 countries including Asia and Europe during this period. You must know, the heating ratio of the earth has escalated to 2.5 from 1.5, and is continuously going up. My prime mission is to make people aware of climate change and global heating (global warming) all over the world. This concern arises from the fact that our everyday activities are leading to changes in the earth's atmosphere and that has the potential to significantly alter the planet's heat and radiation balance. This is causing harm in weather catastrophes, climate, droughts, wildfires, disease, and many more. All I’m trying is to bring climate change to notice and how important it has been for us humans to consider the issue.
I have stopped using fuel vehicles but it might not be possible for everyone but innovation has introduced us to E- vehicles that are convenient and environment friendly. Another important point is plantations reduce deforestation. As we travel to various countries to aware people by associating with related organizations and organizing plantation programs. I mainly focus on places that are densely populated hosting campaigns from one place and country to another is what we are doing. when I have time and funds, I travel to all the places through the cycle, but whenever I lack them, I skip some places and host the campaign in the main cities. Now I have plans to start the journey from Kathmandu then Delhi – Bangkok – Thailand – Singapore – Australia – New Zealand – Greece - Italy -Europe, these are my targets. During the journey, we start various acts, and rallies and even though the campaign is not 100 % fruitful, it’s enough that people acknowledge the step taken by Nepal for the Earth, understand the agenda, and implement them like saving electricity, water, and resources.
Many groups are working for the environment but while I was on my journey, I found that even though people knew about global warming and the environmental situation, developed countries work with millions of industries and manufacture atomic weapons. This directly triggers the environment and even with the proper knowledge, not implementing is worth nothing. So, being social animals it’s our responsibility to control pollution, population, and end wars take essential actions as going against nature which has resulted in seasonal imbalance. We face changes in season, it doesn’t rain on time, and it does feel like 10 months in a year, lands have lost their fertility which has impacted every aspect of the world and its pattern for the situation of the environment.
Being solo cyclists along with the team, we start with the analysis and we get a rough sketch of our last destination for the day. We have to plan the hotel, and facility, research weather reports, food, lifestyle, and language. And still, it is not always easy, there are times when we have had to face the hassle, unexpected incidents, and travel empty stomach. Another challenge would be an economic challenge as we don’t have enough sources for sponsorship, we get such appreciation donation rarely as per their own will due to which most of the expenses has to be done by own self, which leads to problems and a huge challenge for us.
We have conducted a mini-cycle rally, which helps people understand the merits of the cycle that it is one of the cheap and good mediums for travel, and the importance of protecting the environment. Our project also includes spreading awareness about e- vehicles, and cycles.
Western people do realize the effects that are created by industrialization but they are not ready to implement the awareness and help the environment, which made me realize all I can do is pressure them and push them to think about the environment and make them realize the adverse effects. But it’s all up to them either to implement it or not.
Good: During this, I got the chance to interview one of the members of the UN. We still have good terms; we invite each other to events which makes me feel like this is a good opportunity to make connections.
When my giant cycle was damaged and there was no repair shop like here in Nepal. So, I had to travel carrying my cycle, and when I found one, they didn’t have the tools and equipment to repair it. That is one of the worst experiences when I had to take a cycle from China to Hong Kong, empty-stomach which was so much hassle.
Events in Nepal:
I am a world cyclist from Nepal so yes, we do organize a cycle rally which is hosted every once a week where the locals take participation, and especially the women are actively involved. The participation multiples every time which is indeed a good thing.
This is a Global issue so I do use social media help to spread out the news regarding campaigns and awareness. Most of the fuel is being used from countries like China, India, and America making this campaign a challenge for them as they are industrial active countries. Even though Nepal has less consumption and a pollution rate, being landlocked between China and India, we indirectly have to bear the consequences. Therefore, their consciousness regarding the issue does make a huge impact on the campaign. But on the bright side Countries like Egypt and other 182 countries have come together to agree to make sure the usage of resources is best utilized. Rather than only programs and awareness are not enough to stop the melting Glazier, life loss, and other impacts, the main important thing is the implementation of such knowledge.