50 Things You Can Throw
The pile of clutter at the corner probably consists of any of the followings: the extra household goods we got when we got married; the new things we bought over the years and while never bothering to get rid of the old things. But you’d be lying if you
The idea of living a simple, and uncluttered life with fewer things sounds pleasant, and attractive to many people. There are certain benefits of owning fewer possessions: less items to clean and organize; less debt; less stress: and more energy. People who are ready to reduce clutter in their home often have this nagging thoughts at the back of their minds: “What if I accidentally remove an item from home, later need the same item again in the future. However, in reality this rarely happens.
Where do I begin?
Once we realize the benefits of owning fewer things, or have discovered the joy of seeing clutter-free closet, drawer, or the house, we instinctively search for laces where we can reduce the clutter. The most difficult thing is to start, and before we know it, we will have made significant progress in our journey towards a more simplified life. Yes it’s always overwhelming to decide where to begin. Here is a list of a few things we can do in the pursuit of the art of letting go.
- Use the Four-Box Method
This is the most often used technique in many households. As we set out to de-clutter an area, use four boxes to separate four types of objects: trash, give away, keep, or relocate. Each item in every room should fit into one of the four categories. We should consider each item individually. It may take hours, days or weeks, but it is the most organized way out to reduce clutter.
- Turn what If’s Into What Now’s
It seems utterly ridiculous when you find yourself worrying about whether or not you should get rid -- spool of ribbon -- you’ve had for years but never used. You’re not scared to get rid of the ribbon; you merely don’t want to arrive at a situation where you will wish you still had it. You don’t want to regret getting rid of it. You’re bringing some future hypothetical situation into your right now and using up valuable space and energy that should be devoted to your present.
- Take a Picture
This is probably the simplest and most obvious, but often overlooked tip. Get rid of the old photographs by simply scanning and saving them digitally. If you have old holiday cards, letters from people you no longer talk to, or even stack of your children’s art work that hold sentimental value, take a picture and toss it away.
- Use it, if it is important to you
So how can you keep the memories without turning the memorabilia into a sentimental clutter? Just save just one item from the collection. The necklace with a broken clip that you put away in the drawer and that was gifted to you by your partner on a special day? Or your grandmother’s ring that no longer fits you? Go to the jeweler and either repair them or turn them into something you can wear. Got those old but memorable photographs? Frame them if they are in hard copies, and set them as your desktop or smart phone’s wallpaper if they are in digital form. Don’t designate certain items precious simply keeping them away, in the corners of your storeroom, and turning them into meaningless clutters, if they hold special meaning, you should use them.
The following list of 50 things that can easily be given away, donated, sold off, or tossed out, as you master the art of letting go.
50 things to get rid of
- Books
- Magazines
- Old newspapers
- Old bills and receipts
- Old letters
- Old calendars
- Phonebooks, cookbooks
- Expired offer coupons, tickets
- Expired and leftover medicines
- Expired makeup
- Dried nail polishes
- Stationary: pens that don’t write, blunt scissors etc.
- Spare or fallen buttons of clothes you no longer wear
- Old prescription glasses
- Broken watches
- Old sheets
- Duplicate kitchen wares
- Outdated electronics
- Cables, wires, phone chargers
- Old batteries
- Manuals
- Silly fridge magnets
- Unused frozen objects in your fridge
- Moist coffee
- Dried flowers
- Flower vases you don’t use
- Toys
- Kids’ artworks
- Kids’ clothing that no longer fit
- Scarves and ties
- Promotional t-shirts
- Extra caps
- Stained clothes
- New never worn clothes
- Old uniforms
- Bags with damaged zippers
- Socks with holes or missing pairs
- Gloves with missing pairs
- Missing puzzle pieces or games
- Bottles without caps
- Containers without lids
- Photographs
- Outdated softwares
- Old or broken phone cases
- Gifts you don’t like or can’t use
- Old Lingeries (replace them with new ones)
- Keys that no longer fit to any locks
- Jewelry accessories (damaged or those with missing pieces)
- Cardboard cereal boxes
- CDs, DVDs, VHS Tapes, cassettes, etc.