This Dashain will be more fun than the previous ones if you can control your tendency to overspend by following the tips provided here.

Dashain is an annual festival that is eagerly awaited by many people to celebrate in even grander way fuller than the previous year. The festival brings family, and friends together, building memories that keep them warm until the next year. Few common things people do during Dashain to get close with friends and families are playing cards, flying kites, shopping, and traveling. 

One of the things Dashain does is bring people together. Those who have been away return home to celebrate it. You see smiles, exchange of gifts and bestowal of blessings everywhere. This 10-day festival celebrated by Hindus and Buddhists is like no other festival in Nepal both in scale and scope. 

People usually separate a certain budget for Dashain, which generally tends to increase every year. The unfortunate reality is that we also tend to overspend and overeat at this time. 
There are however simple solutions to this tendency to overspend. 

Make your own sweet: A simple yet smart alternative is to make your own sweets. This way you are in control of the amount of sugar, oil or fat that goes in. This simple investment at home will help maintain your health, you can taste the real flavors, and the sweets will stay fresh longer than those from the shops. And you will also save money. 

Buy quality products besides clothes: There is the tendency of buying clothes as gifts to give younger siblings. You can instead switch to buying quality products that will last for a longer period of time. Buy organic products that will stand out from the crowd; and choose products made in Nepal to show as much authenticity as possible. 

Be environmentally conscious: Rather than throwing away bio waste, use them as plant food. You can also start by avoiding non-biodegradable products when consuming food or drinks. Silverwares, unlike plastic spoons and straws, can be reused time and again. These plastic products remain as they are for a long period of time increase the waste, and pollution. 

Buy only what you need: Buying items in bulk may seem economical but they add up on bills, take space, and usually end up as unused waste.