Twins have always been associated with mystery and a tapestry of mythology in the fascinating world of family dynamics. As we go on a mission to uncover the secrets hidden under the surface. From shared telepathy to the amazing capacity to complete one ot

Facts Vs Myths about Twins

1. Myth: All twins have the same birthday. 
Fact: Twins are often born on the same day and share their birthdays. Twins are not born at the same time. If the birth occurs near midnight, one twin may be born on one day and the other on the next. You have little say in when your twins will be born. Take what unfolds. If your twins have separate birthdays, you have reason to celebrate twice!

2. Myth: Breastfeeding twins is overly complicated
Fact: While some moms have trouble producing milk, it is not attributable to the number of children they have, but rather to the way their bodies were formed. Many moms with twins breastfeed their children. It will take some experience and a schedule that works for you and your kids. Many twin mothers feed their children "tandem style" with one on each breast. The advantage is that both babies are fed in half the time that would be required to feed them separately.
3. Myth: Delivering twins requires a c-section.

Fact: Twins can be born either naturally or via c-section. However, the majority of twin births occur via c-section. It is possible to birth twins naturally! You'll need to discuss your desires with your doctor, and you may even need to hunt for a provider who will support a vaginal birth. While it is possible to birth twins naturally, you should educate yourself on when and why a c-section is necessary.

4. Myth: Twins are determined by heredity or family history.
Fact: Fraternal twins run in families. If the woman has fraternal twins in her background, this may imply a genetic propensity to multiple ovulations. Two fertilized eggs will produce fraternal twins. However, identical twins do not run in families and occur randomly. The chance of having identical twins is the same for everyone, regardless of family history. It is important to understand the difference between fraternal and identical twins when considering genetic factors. 

5. Myth: Gaining double the weight.
Fact: Doctors often advise pregnant women to gain 25 to 35 pounds if they are having one kid and 37 to 54 pounds if they are expecting two — which is not double the weight increase. The truth is that weight gain during pregnancy varies for each individual, regardless of whether they are carrying one or two babies. Additionally, the distribution of weight gain may differ between pregnancies, even for the same person. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate and healthy weight gain goals for each pregnancy. 

6. Myth: Twins are identical to one another
Fact: Twins, despite their similar appearance, are much like any other sibling. They may have many similarities, but they are also likely to have numerous differences. Whether they be fraternal or identical twins, they will remain two distinct individuals. You may even find it fascinating that they do not seem identical. These differences can include variations in height, weight, facial features, and even fingerprints. It is important to remember that twins are unique individuals with their own identities and should be treated as such. Embracing and celebrating their differences can help foster a strong sense of individuality and self-esteem in each twin.