The world is digitally fueled, the invention of new technologies and the way it is making its way into our life has been concerning. Every single person is touched by technology in one way or the other and kids are no exception.

The world is digitally fueled, the invention of new technologies and the way it is making its way into our life has been concerning. Every single person is touched by technology in one way or the other and kids are no exception. The major concern in this situation is to figure out the balance between technology and the social life of children. How much technology is too much for them and how can we help them to make the technological use in the right way? Or are there any alternative ways to incorporate the technology in a proper way?

With the world going online and technology being a medium of basic necessities in life like education and health, today's children are practically raised by technology. Whether we like it or not, the education system is getting online-based, and also the inclination of the learning curve towards technology for that matter is undeniably an important part of the modern world.  Many parents are worried about their children getting more and more involved with the technological world and with the amount of time they are spending in front of computers, laptops, mobile phones, and screens in general.


Prior to the pandemic, a particular age group of children was given the allotted screen time and parents were conscious of it but now where children are having their strict online classes, the 'too much’ has been normalized. Putting restrictions on them will not possibly work in such time and there is little point in obsessing over how many minutes a day they are spending with screens. Nevertheless, the maximum we can do is teach them the healthy habits to handle the technology with care and to reduce the risk of getting trapped into the negative aspects of it.


If we are to see the benefits of technology, it is actually helping children to observe the world from broad mindsets and from different perspectives. Given that, children are hooked on the chair, there are high chances of them getting distant from the social world, and also their health issues can be certainly fearful, the elders can play a crucial role to shape them in a proper manner and get them engaged in physical activities such as outdoor or indoor games, off the technology. parents must ensure that their children are watching, playing and reading is high-quality, age-appropriate, and safe. Children are most likely to copy what their parents do. So, it will be more than enough if the parents are off the technology, are making family time the priority, and using social media the way they want their children to.


Technology is nowhere near collapsing or in any way getting away from this modern technological world, so it would be better if we find out the appropriate way to incorporate it in children’s day-to-day life. Rather than contemplating the overuse or underuse of technology by them, the proper and healthy way of using technology should be the topic of discussion. Therefore, in this world where technology is immersing rapidly, children are more likely to have a bright tech future. It would not be wrong to say that until and unless, children do not learn to find the balance of technology with real life, it is always “too-much”.