Parents might have to rearrange their priorities for their children, they might have to be more conscious of where they put their foot into, how they talk, walk and sit. Today, let’s talk about good parenting and how the simplest attitude towards children

We wish there were guidelines for the perfect parenthood, right? only if every child had the same traits and personalities. Okay, back to reality, no parents in the world ever want to turn out to be the villain in their children’s life. But, sometimes, perhaps most of the time, parenthood is much more complicated, and finding the right answer seems impossible. With that being said, becoming a good parent needs no heavy homework or drastic efforts to put in. Just the slightest effort and comprehension are all needed. Today, let’s discuss what makes you a good parent.

  • Let your child be independent: 

Might sound a little bit harsh, but, you are only raising a dumb child with all the overprotectiveness. When they reach the right age of doing what they should do or are capable of doing, let them do it.  "Many parents mistakenly equate their child's independence with rebelliousness or disobedience. Children push for independence because it is part of human nature to want to feel in control rather than to feel controlled by someone else."

  • Respect your child:

Yes, it goes both ways. respecting your child’s choice, opinions and the way they are makes a difference in the kind of relationship you develop with them. Not to say that you don’t control their bad habits or irregular behavior, but you have to call a spade, a spade. "The best way to get respectful treatment from your child is to treat him respectfully," Steinberg.

  • Never hit your child:

Hitting your child will not make them a good child suddenly. There are so many other ways to discipline your child and hitting them is not an option.  "Children who are spanked, hit, or slapped are more prone to fighting with other children”. Children will learn to be aggressive in the situation and most often than not, they will become a bully in the school as well.

  • Be consistent:

If you have set some rules in the house, it should not vary from day to day at all. You must identify your non-negotiables and stick to them. "When parents aren't consistent, children get confused. You have to force yourself to be more consistent." 

  • Set the rules:

Rules will create needed boundaries for your children going overboard with their behavior. If the rules are not set, your children will start misbehaving and will do whatever they feel like doing. And that will be your fault. Not to say that you start micromanaging things for your child. But, there have to be some boundaries.

  • Being adaptive:

When you were expecting a baby, you might have had a whole scenario of how you will be treating your child. but the case might be different. The way for good parenthood is being adaptive to your children’s behavior. Keeping pace with their development and functioning according to that is important. 

  • What you do matters:

Children do what they see. If you have noticed, your child is always around you. he/she is always looking at you, always learning things, copying what you do, trying to wear make-up like you, trying to dress up like you, and even if asked, they happen to tell you their choice of future profession as yours. How you speak and what kind of gestures you carry, every little thing is noticed by your children. For instance, you can’t be smoking in front of your child and beat them, if they start smoking. You have to be an example for them.

  • Be a part of your child’s daily life:

This one might sound difficult. Today, parents are working and always in a rush. Even though the hassle is to afford their children a quality lifestyle, quality time also matters. As a parent, you have to show interest in your child’s talent, activities, school performance, and help them identify their talent and skills. It might take your time and you will have to rearrange your priority list as well. Nevertheless, your child needs you to be there physically as well as mentally.


Why is good parenting important?

  • To have a sound relationship with your children? To have a happy family? Yes! Of course, that is there. However, it is more than that. “Home is the first school for a child”. Good parenting makes your child’s life better and brighter. It will save them from depression, drug abuse, bad habits, anxiety, sleeping disorders, eating disorders, anti-social activities, etc. the overall personality of a child is shaped by how he/she is treated at home. 

Family, with that, comes a lot of responsibility, love, and support. Even though parents are fighting their own battle, the responsibility of the children is there, and you have to fulfill them. The more you put effort into the healthy upbringing of your children, the stronger they will become, emotionally and mentally. They will become your strength. Good parenting needs more will, effort, comprehension, sacrifices, support, and love rather than anything else in the world. If any parent, or someone who deals with children, is reading this, let’s self-reflect and think about it. Are you a good parent?