Marching on to Greater Heights : Awaiting Visit Nepal Year 2020

Now that the countdown for the newest installment to Visit Nepal Year is nearing, Hotel Radisson Kathmandu has set its sights on firmly grasping on to its position as a major contender and competitor in the tourism industry in Nepal. The renovations were planned and undertaken in anticipation of VNY 2020 have already been in operation since October 2019.
Bringing in a New Look
With their sights set on bringing Hotel Radisson with a modern new look, they have been working on renovating and improving the hotel and its services. The room sizes of most of the 40 rooms under renovation have been increased, so that they appear more spacious and comfortable. Almost 25 of the rooms that were renovated have been extended by up to 2 sq. meters, giving them added space and ease of movement. In addition, there was a complete renovation of the hotel rooms and the features included in those rooms.
Compared to the rooms 20 years ago or even till date, additional facilities have been introduced. Facilities and devices that have become staple appliances in our daily lives -- such as, charging points, HDMI cables, wall T.Vs, as well as beds and the mattresses -- have been added. Just above the beds, the headboards have now been replaced by leatherette paneling that brings in a chic and elegant feel to the rooms.
The size or space of the adjoined bathrooms have been increased and new modern features have been incorporated. The bathrooms have seen a change in the design of toiletries and have also seen the inclusion of new faucets, rain-showers, and now see-through glass walls which give an impression of greater openness to the rooms. The standard rooms, as well as the suite rooms, have welcomed a new refurbished look, bringing in modern units that add more elegance to the already well-furnished room.
The changes have also come from a more practical point-of-view, for instance, the exclusion of bathtubs in the bathrooms. Most guests, apart from East-Asian guests, do not use the bathtubs. As such it didn’t serve a truly practical purpose. Hence, the bathtubs have now been replaced by shower cabins in standard rooms which, truthfully, do add more elegance.
The flooring of the rooms has also been changed completely from pure wood floors and carpets to now engineered and laminated floors. The changes have introduced veneer laminates and panelings that nudge the hotel to a more eco-friendly route. Keeping up with changing times, they have replaced the old fluorescent lights with LED lights and the old air conditioning systems in all rooms with new energy-saving ones.
These changes were brought in to keep up with modern trends as well as to maintain Radisson’s own high standards. The responsibility to implement these changes were assigned to SB Architects who had designed the interiors.
Of course, being part of the service industry as well as being a business entity, the hotel looks to have beneficial yields, not just for themselves but also for its guests. Keeping that in mind, the hotel has duly made changes to its rates to bring them in tune with the scale of the changes and additions.
The plan for renovation and improvement of the hotel isn’t complete yet. At present, only forty rooms have been renovated and are already in service, and the second phase of the renovations will soon be undertaken. The focus has been made on the main wing of the hotel as opposed to the newer wing which has been in service for less than a decade. The hotel plans to bring an overall change not only in the rooms but also in lobby and restaurants to make them more warm and welcoming.
Compared to the past look of the rooms, there has been a drastic change. The design and interior of the rooms have been given a complete overhaul to give a more modern and contemporary look.
Blending the Modern with the Classic
Even with the incorporation of modern elements to bring a fresh new look to the hotel and the rooms, the traditional elements that highlighted Nepali culture, art and themes, however, have not been completely replaced or taken away. The artefacts showcased within the hotel highlight the traditional Nepalese touch as well as prove that the hotel has not lost its Nepali roots despite the modern changes. In terms of service, the New Year is set to see a change in the welcoming of guests, in high spirits for the Visit Nepal Year. With a strong focus on service and hospitality, the hotel will look to welcome the guests with the warmest greetings, marking the beginning of their stay in the hotel with warm, welcoming spirits.
Now that the modern elements have been added, the next challenge lies in adding Nepali element in a way that the modern changes go hand-in-hand with the traditional, classic elements. The hotel has kept that in mind and presently has prioritized incorporating vintage and traditional Nepali artefacts to do just that. These artefacts are set to be added in the rooms whereas the lobby has already seen such additions.
The main focus, of course, is on the guest service that meets and exceeds Radisson standards. To keep up with the competition and aim to reach the top, there will be changes in terms of the business point-of-view as well. Newer facilities, features and amenities have been added to the rooms that will provide for a better, more comfortable experience for guests--both local and international--and will further be a pivotal part of the new direction that the hotel aims to go in.
Already excited for Visit Nepal Year 2020, the hotel looks forward to welcoming and being at the service of the guests. Whether they are corporate guests during the peak tourism year, adventure tourists or leisure guests, the hotel looks forward to providing the best for the guests that choose and put their trust in Radisson Hotel Kathmandu.
Newer Prospects
There have been many highs and lows since the last Visit Nepal Year in 2011, especially after the earthquake that hit the country in 2015. The demographic of guests and tourists visiting the country has also seen a change. While there has been a decline in certain demographics, there has been an increase in another contrasting set of visitors.
With the country already abuzz, the tourism and service sector too has been working non-stop to ensure nothing short of the best, which sheds an optimistic look on the path the industry is moving in Nepal.