Cancer Survivor
Sapana Rana Magar shows that with timely treatment and fortitude, cancer patients can become, like her, cancer survivors.

An epitome of hope and faith, Sapana Rana Magar is a survivor who has bravely fought and won her battle with breast cancer. Cancer is generally known as a disease in which cells divide uncontrollably leading to tumours, damage to the immune system and other such conditions which can be extremely fatal. Her journey with cancer did not begin when she felt a lump on her breast but rather when her son was also diagnosed with bone marrow cancer. She has been familiar with this disease ever since and has even spent a few years at the Cancer Hospital for her son’s sake. After the death of her son due to cancer, she was overwhelmed when she discovered that she had breast cancer.
At the moment cancer rate has been increasing throughout the world, and studies have shown that 30-40% of it is due to change in lifestyle of people which includes diet, exercise and other daily activities. There are various forms of cancer, but one of the most common types of cancer among women is breast cancer. Although breast cancer isn’t directly linked with food, when people who are biologically predisposed to it get exposed to unfavorable environment condition, unbalanced diet, and hormone imbalance then chances of getting breast cancer increases for them. On the other hand 5-10% of breast cancer patients get the disease through heredity as well.
Sapana, after the diagnosis of the disease, initially failed to find any breast cancer survivors and began losing her hope of continuing her life. She doubted the chances of her survival and even considered not getting any treatment. However after some research and inquiry she began various ayurvedic treatments which in reality didn’t benefit her as much. She eventually got an operation done during her second stage of cancer and proceeded with her chemotherapy sessions at Nepal Cancer Hospital. Despite the many treatment and medications her cancer still had not left her completely. Consequently she went through a successful surgery which, along with her medications, assisted her in finally becoming cancer free along.
Her overall journey has not only been that of physical difficulty but also a rollercoaster of emotions which in turn has enabled her to become mentally stronger. Through her experience she’d like to encourage other such cancer patients to not lose hope, but rather seek for the best and most suitable solutions. Although Nepal isn’t renowned for its medical services, she believes that being treated in Nepal itself is reliable and trustworthy. She’d like to encourage any patient to not delay their treatment process and carry it out as soon as possible because she believes that loss of time is loss of life.