Why I Love Music
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything - Plato. Here, Nikita Shrestha talks about music an exquisite form of art and her passion for creating it.

Plato said, “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” Here, Nikita Shrestha talks about music as an exquisite form of art and her passion for creating it.Creating music sounds like an easy task but being able to compose music which has the ability to touch one’s soul is not something everyone can easily do. Nikita Shrestha has engaged herself in music and pursued her passion for it since young age. To learn more about her journey in the music industry, we recently sat down with her and had a small conversation.
Can you tell me more about yourself?
Talking about myself, I am an architecture student currently in my third year. My music journey began in the fifth grade through the assistance of my brother’s friend who had taught me guitar. It was then when I started playing instruments and singing. After completing my grade ten moving to Dharan from Jhapa took a big leap for me as I was able to be more exposed to music there. Later on in order to pursue my passion for music I travelled to Kathmandu whilst opting to study architecture.
Why do you love music so much ? What genres do you prefer ?
There are countless answers for this specific question and it may vary from person to person. However for me music holds a very special place in my heart as it unites emotions. It is also a non violent medium to express feelings and emotions. Thus I believe I find myself loving music as it is the best way to express oneself in a peaceful manner. Likewise there are no partial genres of music I prefer as I find myself enjoying different kinds of music every time.
Can you tell me about your process of music making ?
Music is not only my passion but a process of healing and a way of self- medication. The process of making music for me is very simple and it comes very naturally. Similar to everyone music comes to me when I feel some sort of emotions which I can express through my very own music. Likewise it can also be vice versa, as feelings and emotions may come through the composition of my own music. Hence there is no limitations when it comes to music, which itself is a very flexible form of art.
How has your family supported you?
It is very normal in Nepal for families to disapprove of your profession in the music field as it is believed your future may not be guaranteed. Although my parents were doubtful regarding my music interest, their level of support towards it = has been gradually growing. Even though my parents aren’t familiar with the concept of my post rock band “Space”, my mom especially has been happy with my work since the release of my song “The Man From Kathmandu”. Hence my family has slowly began to show more support towards my music more and more everyday.
What are your future plans ?
My future plans consists of completing the two years left in my architecture course. Similarly my plans also include working in my post rock band “Space” as well as working on a song collaboration which will be called as “Trees”. Finally besides all that I’m also working towards my solo album for the near future.
Any inspirational message for struggling artists?
A message I’d strongly like to convey is to keep pursuing what you enjoy doing. If you enjoy making music then keep doing it, keep making songs and be consistent with it. There’s a huge platform and numerous opportunities for you if you keep your eyes open. Nonetheless make sure you’re persistent and self-driven because in the end what you manifest is eventually what you attract.